(set: $name to (prompt: "What is your character's name?", "John Diddle-dee"))
Hello, welcome $name. You are currently in a small village on the cost of the Atlantic ocean.
[[go to the village |village]]
(set: $hp to 10)
(set: $coins to 5)
(set: $weapon to 0)
(set: $DP to 0)As you, $name walk forward you enter the main part of the town.
[[shop]]you walk over to your house and get into bed
[[sleep]]you walk forward
[[onward]]You have $coins coins.
[[sword (short range, 3 DP) - 2 coins]]
[[bow (long range, 2 DP) - 2 coins]]
[[cross bow (long range, 3 DP) - 3 coins]]
[[Band-aid (heals 2 hp) - 1 coin]]you see a dragon!!
HP - 8
DP - 3
(set: $coins -= 2)
(set: $weapon to "Sword")
(set: $DP to 3)
you have a $weapon
and $coins coins left
(set: $coins to 3)
(set: $weapon to "Sword")
(set: $DP to 3)(set: $coins -= 2)
(set: $weapon to "Sword")
(set: $DP to 3)
you have a $weapon
and $coins coins left
(set: $weapon to "cross bow")
(set: $coins -= 3)
(set: $DP to 3)
you have a $weapon
and $coins coins left
as you walk up to the dragon his eye opens
[[sneek]]You step back slowly and then break out into a run
[[Run |village]]...
[[wake up]]you wake up, you are fully re-charged
(set: $hp to 10)
[[village]] you crawl around to the dragons back side
[[RUN]] you take out your $weapon
[[attack the dragon]]
[[RUN]] you damage the dragon
//To calculate damage go to: https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C1GCEB_enCA832CA832&ei=4_21XO2TJ6O40PEP9reK0AU&q=roll+a+die&oq=roll+a+die&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i71l8.0.0..2687308...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz.jIJHypyymjw
Then, add $DP
That number is your total damage for this round
subtract that number from 8
[[done!]]if you you
[[killed the dragon]]
[[the dragon has some HP left]]YOU WIN THE BATTLE
(set: $coins += 2)
you got 2 coins from the battle
now you have $coins coins
[[turn back |village]]
if the dragon has some hp left [[continue |death]]the dragon wakes up and turns you into mush with a red flame.
(if: $healing is "Band-aid")[[Use healing item |walk]]
[[Restart |Start]]
<img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/zGGAbke6loNNe/giphy.gif" width="500" height="400" alt="Two foxes">...
(set: $hp += -2)
[[... |set up camp]]whew, you are very tired
your hp is $hp
[[set up camp |camp]]
[[turn back |village]]you set up camp
[[make a barrier around your camp]]
[[sleep |nap]]you build a barrier around the camp to keep anything out
[[sleep |next day]] ...
[[... |wild boar death]]you are awoken by deep snort
a 100 pound wild boar jumps on you and impails you on its horn
[[rest]] you wake up
(set: $hp to 10)
[[pack up and go]]
[[stay]]you pack up and leave.
[[walk |castle gate]]you decide to stay
[[stay |next]](set: $coins -= 1)
(set: $healing to "Band-aid")
You have now purchased a band-aid
you now have $coins coins
[[village]] Double-click this passage to edit it.you walk up to a castle gate, you have a feeling you need to get through into the castle.
[[open gate]]huh?! the gate has some soer of puzzle lock
[[solve the puzzle]](set: $solvepuzzle to (prompt: "2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 9, what is the last number", "???"))
(if: $solvepuzzle is "11")[[You solved the puzzle!!!]]The gate slides open
[[RUN |village]] you are squished to a pulp by a falling tree.
(if: $healing is "Band-aid")[[Use healing item |castle gate]]
[[Restart |Start]]